Saturday, July 30, 2011

Monkey Mayhem Returns to Longleat!

Monkey Mayhem Returns to Longleat! Video Clips. Duration : 1.65 Mins.

This troop of monkeys excitedly thought that their birthdays were all at once, when a car, complete with case, had been left in their enclosure. Normally, the crazy monkeys spend their days jumping from car to car, a free pass with the thousands of vehicles crossing every day on their enclosure. It was decided to give the monkeys a full disk test to ensure they are good shape for the new season! The new toy was delivered last week and 100 rhesus monkeys soonproceeded to tear them apart with enthusiasm. The cheeky monkey jumped on the hood, ran happily away with their mirrors and hubcaps rolled up to play with. They also pulled through luggage tied to the top of the car and tried for the man's dress size. The horrors just to admire her reflection in the mirror, and even tried to pull the Mercedes logo on the bonnet as a souvenir of the day! Their antics have been the ideal preparation for the reopening of his case,the pleasure of seeing the hordes of tourists flock to see up and over the next few months. Deputy head warden Ian Turner said: "The monkeys are one of the main attractions of Longleat Safari Park to create the memories for thousands if not millions of children over the years, and probably an equal number of frustrating memories for fathers!" We decided to give them their very own car to get them back in training for the new season. It 'clear to see from our testing, however, that the monkeys...

Tags: Monkeys, Longleat, Safari Park, Adventure, Fun, Animals

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